
Friday, September 27, 2013

The battle of Shiloh also known as the battle of Pittsburgh landing it was a very major battle in the western theater of the American civil war. on the first day of the battle April 6, 1862 the confederates decided to intend on driving the union defenders away from the river and onto the marsh (owl creek) which lays to the west. they moved 40,000 solders under the command of gen to drive the Federal army back. the confederates had the element of surprise they pushed them back to sunken road, where the federates made a battle line the battle continued till dark.
             The battle of Shiloh was one of the bloodiest battles of the civil war, it produced over 23,000 casualty's over two days. the reinforced Federal army numbered of about 40,000 allowed the federal forces to push back and cause the confederates to retreat to Corinth. Thus the federates won this war.