
Monday, December 2, 2013

The Jungle

In the town Packingtown to be successful you had to "set the record" and out work everyone below you as well as out do those above you, that even meant doing some off the dirty work. In the eyes of the owners they didn't care what you did just as long as they made money as fast and efficiently as possible. At one point in the story The Jungle Sinclair says, "...there was no place in it where a man counted for anything against a dollar....?" what he means by this is that no man who would stand up as long as he was getting his money, they'd do as the boss says along as they are still getting the good pay they always have.

Pharmaceuticals in America

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the U.S. government agency charged with making sure of the safety of the medicines available to Americans. the governments control on the safety of drugs or food products as increased dramatically over the last hundred years. Literally nothing to far reaching, and now pharmaceuticals are among the most-regulated products in this country.
In 1937, to make a palatable liquid version of its new antibiotic drug sulfanilamide, the Massengill Company carelessly used the solvent diethylene glycol, which is also used as an antifreeze; This mistake also killed 107 people, mostly children, before it was quickly recalled.