
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Workers of the Central Pacific Railroad

                                             Workers of the Central Pacific Railroad

In the year 1850 Chinese peasants began to arrive on the shores of California, these immigrant traveled all the way over in the hope of making money, getting away from the poverty and over population in the Canton province.  many of them also heard rumors of the Gum Sham, the Mountain of Gold that many believed was waiting for them.  the central pacific had enough jobs available for 4000 people, but they could only maintain a group of about 800 people. most of the early workers were Irishmen. when the Irish revolted and demanded more pay the Chinese worked for lower pays and had a better attitude, along with a harder work ethic. "Initially, Chinese employees received wages of $27 and then $30 a month, minus the cost of food and board. In contrast, Irishmen were paid $35 per month, with board provided." this shows how the Chinese out worked the Irish.




  1. I like your content you provided. It must of been hard that they could only maintain a group of 800 workers.

    1. yes it was, mostly because most of the works would go on stricks and demand a higher pay grade.

  2. its crazy that there were 4000 jobs in central pacific for people.

  3. I'm kind of confused on why were there only 800 people that they could maintain on the railroad, but there were 4000 jobs available?
    You have great supporting evidence here, and your writing flows really well! I like how you inserted quotes to support your evidence.
